Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Pink flower with white markings... it's called a Pink Peppermint, though the plant is not really mint at all.

One single rhodo... I do like that pinky-purple colour...

Thought I'd try it in black and white this time,. seeing as it's a white flower to start with...

Breakfast (I'm being extra specially virtuous)...

More weeds - little daisies, one of my favourite little flowers.

Cluster of rhododendrons

Isnt this little flower beautifully yellow against all the green grass? And they call it a weed!

Ahhh... my first potential strawberry of the season. Cant wait for the little green nub to grow into a succulent scarlet strawberry. May it have many siblings in the meantime!

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Field of gold...

A rapeseed field, golden in the sun - and golden in the shade too, actually.

Monday, May 09, 2005

Gnarled old tree trunk

It's got big iron chains wound around it, probably to stop bits falling off onto people's heads. I'm glad nobody's thought of destroying the trunk... because the tree as such is still viable! Still green and growing leaves.


Puffball dandelion, just before I blew all the little fuzzy flying bits away.

Nameless blue flowers

Tiny blue flowers magnified hugely... pretty things!

Pretty in pink


Mossy tree - part 2

Interesting mossy tree trunk again - the sun went behind clouds, so no dappled effect.

Mossy tree trunk

Interesting mossy tree trunk, in dappled shade

Bug and flower

Fading pink flower and an emerald green bug that's gone in head-first into the centre of the flower.


Some bluebells, slightly out of focus because the wind kept blowing them about! (They might be some other flower in reality... but they're bluish and bell-shaped, so to me they ARE bluebells.)


Two of them, little 'uns

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